
Macroelement Subsoils

The frame "Macroelement subsoils" contains a table with the list of input macroelement subsoils. Adding line supports is performed in the "New macroelement subsoils" dialog window.

The dialog window serves to define the macroelement number and parameters C1 and C2. The Winkler-Pasternak constants C1 and C2 can be input or calculated by the program. The latter option further requires inputting deformation parameters of soils (deformation modulus, Poisson's ratio and depth of influence zone) in the "Compute C1 and C2" dialog window. These parameters can be determined using the program "Spread footing" (2. limit state) and introduced into the program.

The input macroelement subsoils can also be edited on the desktop with the help of active objects.

  Frame "Macroelement subsoils"

Prova il Software GEO5.