FIN EC software

Edizione 2024 e precedenti

Scarica gli ultimi driver per le chiavi.

Fine License Customer

Data: 11/05/2022

The basic tool for a user keys and licences management (hardware & software). The application also installs the Sentinel License driver. More at “Fine License Customer“.

HASP HL Driver

Versione: 7.54
Data: 12/05/2017

Command line version of the Sentinel Runtime Environment install customized for Fine. Please prefer Fine License Customer to update the driver.

HASP HL firmware update

Versione: 3.25
Data: 17/05/2013

This utility updates the firmware of HASP HL keys from older versions, including legacy HASP HL version 2.16. Setup wizard.

Legacy Hardlock Detection Tool

Versione: 6.60
Data: 19/12/2013

For GEO5 2016, FIN EC v5 and older.

Tool for detecting and monitoring HASP hardlocks. It also allows you to update and uninstall hardlock drivers.

Legacy HASP Net License Manager

Data: 26/11/2009

For GEO5 2016, FIN EC v5 and older.

HASP Net/NetTime network license manager. For server with HASP Net/NetTime hardlock connected only. Install wizard.

Legacy License update

Versione: 1.2
Data: 18/07/2013

For GEO5 2016, FIN EC v5 and older.

Remote hardlock configuration. Allows remote license management and extending software lease period.

Fine License Net Service

Versione: 1.0
Data: 14/11/2018

For network administrators, use in case the server is not connected to the Internet. 
The service allows update of Fine licenses form 2017 version in network keys. Instructions:
Install and Configure the Network Service

Requisiti minimi di sistema

  • Windows 10 (ultima versione) o Windows 11
  • Risoluzione Display 1024×768 pixels
  • Scheda grafica che supporta OpenGL 3.3
  • Connessione Internet

  • Il chip TPM 2.0 è necessario per il trasferimento offline della licenza sul PC.

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