
Add branch/cell

Branches of the cross-section can be specified in this window. Left part of the window contains table with branch nodes, right part contains branch preview and dedicated toolbar with following buttons:

  • Add - Opens the window "Add node" for entering the position of new node. The node is added at the end of the branch.
  • Insert - Adds a new node in front of specified node. First, the active node has to be selected in the table before using this button (active node is highlighted by bold font in the table and green colour in the preview). After that, the new node will be specified also in the window "Add node".
  • Edit - Opens the window with properties of active node (coordinates, sector thickness)
  • Remove - Deletes the active node (highlighted by bold font in the table and green colour in the preview)

The minimum number of nodes in table is three for closed cells. Minimum number for open branches is two (beginning and end).

Window "New cell"

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