
Verification of Foundation Eccentricity

Verification of foundation eccentricity is carried out for the 1st LS (foundation bearing capacity) and the 2nd LS (foundation settlement) analysis.

During analysis the program performs verification for the following cases:

  • maximum eccentricity in the direction of base length: ex ≤ ealw
  • maximum eccentricity in the direction of base width: ey ≤ ealw
  • maximum overall eccentricity: et ≤ ealw

The value of maximum allowable foundation eccentricity ealw is input in the "Settings" frame, tab "Spread Footing".

The value of overall eccentricity et is provided by:




maximum eccentricity in the direction of base length



maximum eccentricity in the direction of base width

Procedure for calculating eccentricities needed for the determination of an effective area of off-center (eccentrically) loaded foundation is described in more detail here.

For a shallow foundation resting on a rock foundation or for a concrete slab type of foundation it is necessary in some cases to adopt different values of limit eccentricities.

Prova il Software GEO5.